Help A Mate - The Card Game!

Our new card game for young people could be yours!

Help A Mate - The Card Game was developed by headspace Ipswich, Meadowbrook, Nundah and Woolloongabba as a fun and interactive way to educate young people on some of the different strategies they can use to support their friends through tough times. All of the cards were written by young people.

Help a Mate uses the 7 healthy headspace tips to offer ideas for how a friend might cope with various scenarios young people might be going through. The 7 healthy headspace tips are: 

  1. Get into life 
  2. Learn skills for tough times 
  3. Create connections 
  4. Eat well 
  5. Stay active 
  6. Get enough sleep 
  7. Cut back on alcohol and other drugs

The game contains healthy headspace tip cards and scenario cards. The healthy headspace tip cards include suggestions for how each tip could be used and a bonus set of cards for a tip you come up with yourself. The scenario cards list experiences that young people have described they might experience and want some advice on. 

We've been loving this game and using it for a bunch of our group programs but don't just take it from us:

"I played with my sister and it was honestly really cool! We had so much fun playing it. I really like the concept so I’m glad the game turned out well." – Alex

We are selling packs of Help A Mate - The Card Game for $35.00 per pack + shipping (or pick up from headspace Ipswich, Meadowbrook, Nundah or Woolloongabba). To get your hands on a pack (or three) of Help A Mate - The Card Game today, get in touch with Kris at!