Join us in the Push-Up Challenge!

15 May 2024

headspace Elsternwick is taking part in the Push-Up Challenge and we want you to join us!


The Push-Up Challenge is Australia’s biggest mental health and fitness event, aiming to raise awareness and fight stigma. Challenge yourself to do 3,249 push-ups between the 5th and 28th of June, representing the lives lost to suicide in 2022.

headspace teams around the country including our Elsternwick are throwing themselves into the challenge to raise funds to support mental health services. Here at headspace Elsternwick, we're raising funds to support our food pantry for young people who are struggling with the cost of living.

Fundraising is optional, but it's a great way to show support and get your family and friends involved in the push for better mental health.

Although the challenge may seem daunting, headspace Accredited Exercise Physiologist Mary Van Dyk says don’t worry if push-ups aren’t your thing.

“It’s about doing what you can and helping raise awareness, more than anything,” she says.

Mary has developed alternative exercises so everyone can take part.

“I’ve put together some ideas for different exercises for different ability levels. It could be something as simple as star jumps, planks, lunges or whatever you can manage.

“Exercise is such an important part of our lives, and it's easy to make it a part of your daily routine in some way.”

Mary suggests mixing up the exercises each day to reach your target. For example:

  • 10 x push-ups (floor, desk, wall)
  • 10 x squats
  • 10 x good mornings
  • 10 x high knee marches
  • 10 x reverse lunge
  • 10 x push-ups
  • 10 x star jumps / taps
  • 10 x mountain climbers
  • 10 x Russian twists / sit-ups
  • 10 x hops
  • 8 x wall sits (8 seconds)


Registration is free! You can go solo, team up and push together, or simply donate here.