Session by Session Support


headspace Malvern offers Session by Session support, originally known as "Single Session Therapy". Session by Session support is an approach to counselling which makes the most out of an individual session with young people and/or carers. Evidence suggests that one session at a time is enough to make progress, and can lay the foundation for ongoing therapy if requested by you.

Individual sessions are guided by you, and what you would like to discuss with your clinician. You can attend one session if that is all you need, or you can contact us to book another session.

What you need to know:

  • Session by session appointments are free
  • Appointments are for young people aged 12-25 and/or carers
  • Sessions can be offered by phone, video or face-to-face
  • You will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire before your appointment. This tells us what you want to focus on
  • We want to help you as quickly as we can, which means you may not see the same clinician each time
  • Our clinicians will help you plan if you would like to attend another session by session, consider if ongoing support may be suitable for you, or decide if one session is enough for now
  • If your doctor or school refers you, we will let them know you attended a session
  • We will ask you for feedback about your session

You can find more information about Session by Session support on our Session by Session Support Information Sheet. 

How to make an appointment:

To make an appointment, please call the centre most accessible to you:

New to the centre?

If you are unsure if Session by Session is the right support for you, we suggest completing on an Online Referral Form or calling the centre on 03 9006 6550.